Printing from an Android Web Session directly to a GX420t via Bluetooth

// Expert user has replied.
A Andrea Sada 3 years 10 months ago
5 1 0

I have a customer who wants to print Tickets directly from a web session with is running on an Android Tablet.
Apparently the customer tested the solution on a loan printer which was connected via USB and it all worked fine.
The decided however to purchase 3 x GX420t printers and they are unable to get the printing solution to work via a BT connection.
They are looking for assistance to solve this.
Is it at all possible to do this without any App development on the Android device?

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1 Replies

G Gregory Pawlik

Hi Andrea,

Development on the app would be required since it is the app that is choosing the method in which it is communicating with the printer.

The Link-OS Multiplatform SDK can facilitate app development for Bluetooth communication with the printer.


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