Weight of new Ring Scanner

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B Bill Butler 3 years 10 months ago
1 1 0

We were surprised at how heavy the ring scanner is.  It is substantially heavier than the RS507 and weighs about the same as the wearable.

Since it is positioned at the far end of the arm on the had, this magnifies the ergonomic impact.  Now it is nice that the battery is the same as on the Frenzy, but the weight is a concern.  What are the reasons behind the weight and what advantges does this new ring scanner bring to the table over the RS507?

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1 Replies

T Thomas Koch

Hi Bill,

Yes, your assessment is correct the RS6000 is heavier by about 35 grams compared to the RS507 with a 2x battery. But, its still lighter compared to the WT6000 - which weighs in at about 249 grams (w/o the cleat + arm mount). One of the reasons we had to move to a larger battery pack for the RS6000 is to provide a sufficient power source (across the operating temperature range) for the high performance Megapixel imager (SE4750SR/MR). Keep in mind that the battery pack (alone) makes-up 35% of the total mass of the ring scanner.

There are a several advantages that the RS6000 brings to the table over the RS507:

1) Snappier scan performances - faster trigger-to-beep
    a) ~25% faster on the first scan
    b) ~35% faster on the subsequent scan
2) Increased read range for both SR/MR version
    a) 1.7x increase in the read range with SR on 1D bar codes
    b) 2.7x increase in the read range with MR on 1D bar codes
    c) 1.4x increase in the read range with SR on 2D bar codes
    d) 2.3x increase in the read range with MR on 2D bar codes
3) Improved motion tolerance
4) Increase in battery runtime (on a single charge) 
    a) 3x increase in battery runtime over the RS507 with 2x battery - regardless of scan rate.
5) Flexible Bluetooth connectivity (can be configured to operate in Class I or Class II)
    a) If configured in Class I - can boost the operating range up to 237 ft. or 79 m.
6) Improved pairing via the Tap-to-Pair feature using NFC

There are many more that I can add to the list...

To add we had "us-ergo" (Certified - US Ergonomics Company) perform a ergonomic study on the RS6000 to assess the impact of the increase in weight compared to RS507 - attached below is the summery of the study + user feedback:

"Three subjects preferred the RS6000 over the RS507 due to better responsiveness, a longer scan range, and a more comfortable strap. A feature one subject responded to positively was the white light emitted by the RS6000, which created better contrast to see the red crosshairs and more effectively aim the scanner. Two subjects preferred the RS507 due to its lighter weight.

While there are improvements to be made, the RS6000 showed minimal muscle effort level differences with the RS507 and better responsiveness. The muscle effort levels for the conveyor task were lowest among the dynamic task activities. It is anticipated that the overall biometric requirements of the RS6000 will be similar to the RS507.

"When the subjects were asked “do you feel you could wear this unit all day without muscle fatigue?” Five subjects indicated “yes” and one subject indicated “no” the results were identical for the RS6000 and the RS507. The one subject that indicated no was a smaller female that felt both devices were a little heavy. Additional note, she did not have industrial experience."  - Kevin Costello (us-ergo)

Here is a link to there website = http://www.us-ergo.com/home.asp

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