Can the SDK support USB connectivity w/ Android?

J Jayson Ryan Alviar 3 years 10 months ago
2 2 0

Client be using only using GC420T printer, they are developing app for Android and need to print.
Is it possible? any suggestion? they cant afford a GK w/ Ethernet or GX w/ Wifi and BT.

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2 Replies

F Felipe Vale

Hi Jayson,

I have same problem that you had.. I want print over android using USB OTG with GC420T..
I also can't afford pricier printer with bluetooth or wifi, especially because i am from brazil and printers here cost almost 4x more than in USA because High fees..
Did you was able to solve your problem? Was able to print using GC420T using android app?

Best Regards,


Hi Jason,
We do have an Android SDK that does support USB connections using an “On The Go” cable. It should work with the GC420. Some of the advanced API’s will not work as this is not a Link-OS printer, but the basic communications API’s will.

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