Cannot locate android-support-v4.jar

F Faucheux Martin 3 years 10 months ago
3 2 0

Hi I am trying to build my project with RhoStudio. I configured it with the Platform android in local.I installed sdk and ndk but I still got this error :

Cannot locate android-support-v4.jar, check Android SDK ([])

I downloaded thesse file and I tried to add this lib to my project but as it is a RhoMobile project, there is no option to add a .jar Library.

has someone experienced this problem ? How can I solve this ?

thank you in advance

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2 Replies

A Alex Epifanov

Please note that latest version of RhoMobile ( 5.5 ) released by Tau supports updated Android SDKs and build tools. It is available for dowload here: RMS versions


You have to configure Rhostudio so it knows where your NDK and SDK are.
Rhomobile | Native SDK Setup

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