MC55A: Debugging C++ application extremely slow/ > 5sec per debug line

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J Jens Hauser 3 years 10 months ago
5 1 0

I have a big issue with debugging on a MC55A device which we recently received from a customer for migrating our software:
I'm trying to debug a native code C++ application with Visual Studio 2008. For every debug step it takes about 5 to 10 seconds to step the code.
If I use a different device (i.e. Workabout Pro 4 or even a really old one like Intermec 700 series) it takes 1 second to debug the same line of code.
Does anybody know of such an issue?

Windows 7
VS 2008, all SPs/ Patches available installed (I hope ;-)
Alle devices are attached to the same USB port
MC55A with Windows Mobile 6.5 Classic (CE OS 5.2.29344), Symbol MC55A OEM Version 4.47.0010

I experience the same problem with only one other device and haven't found out about the issue so far (it's a device with Windows CE 6.0).
Kind regards,
Jens Hauser

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