Fix QR code dimensions

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C Carles Capell 3 years 10 months ago
149 2 0

Hi everybody!
We are developing an app to print QR codes in labels to identify shop orders in our warehouse. Since the information stored in QR codes are variable, and the label's dimensions are fixed, some QR codes do not fit on it.
Is there a way to fix/handle the dimensions of the QR  code generated by ZPL2?

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2 Replies

G Gregory Pawlik

Hi Carles,

Try adjusting the magnification factor parameter in the ^BQ command for the data that is causing QR code to not fit on the label.


C Carles Capell

Hi ​Greg

Thank you for your answer. I read about the magnification factor parameter in the documentation, in the QR Code Section. I don't know if you tried before but I've been playing with it a while and I did not find any way to calculate/compute which magnification factor is the right one for each "variable" QR Code.

Can you provide a method to calculate which maginification factor has to be used in order to fit the "variable" QR Code in the label?


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