stagenow error

B Beny Shen 3 years 10 months ago
322 1 0

I try to install a apk file from PC server.  Error LOG as follow.
please help ,tell me ,what's wrong ?
stagenow  client
MC40N0  MX5.0
2016-06-14 11:33:56 --- Starting StageNow Client App ---
2016-06-14 11:34:00 Start of Barcode Staging
2016-06-14 11:34:42 Barcode Staging Failed. Error: Charactristics/Param errors found in invoked CSPs. Details: FileMgr-Query Error, FMC Couldn't connect to server = and port = 21 , check wifi connection.FMC downloadFTPFile Connection is not open, Batch-Could not decode profile data, /data/tmp/apk_Deploy.bin: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory), FileMgr-Query Error, FMC File doesn't exist, delete cancelled.
2016-06-14 11:34:42 End of Barcode Staging

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1 Replies

B Beny Shen

I have find it.
beacause , Zebra AP6521E default setting no client-to-client communication
you must check the AP or router setting is correct.

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