RFD8500 with iPad2

// Expert user has replied.
S Severino Lozano Diez 3 years 10 months ago
1 4 0

Hi team.
Does anyone has encountered connectivity issues between RFD8500 and iPad2 (iOS 9)? The system links via Bluetooth, but then doesn't transmit any data. The RFD8500 works with other devices I tried (Android, iPad mini ...). I just wonder whether it should also work with iPad2 or we don't support.

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4 Replies

S Severino Lozano Diez

iOS 9

C Christopher Sather

What IOS version did you have on the I-Pad?

D Daniel Holth

I have iOS 9.3.3. The iPad 3 has Bluetooth 4.0 hardware, and supports BTLE. The iPad 2 does not. This is a hardware difference. It seems that the scanners require Bluetooth 4.0. As a last effort you could try disabling BTLE mode on the scanner.

The RFD8500 development guide says: Recommended devices: iPod 5 Touch, and iPhone 6.

What iPhones and iPads have Bluetooth 4.0? | The iPhone FAQ

D Daniel Holth

I have this problem. It connects to the iPad 2 for less than a second, and does not show up in the example application's list of scanners. If getting a newer iPad solves the problem, then we will definitely just not support iPad 2.

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