CC5000 laser blocked

// Expert user has replied.
M Mattia Barbati 3 years 10 months ago
4 1 0

Good morning,
the customer has found a problem with the CC5000.
Sometimes the laser is blocked.
I have created a profile in DataWedge for my app.
Have you received one similar problem?
Have you a solutions?
The CC5000 informations:
P/N: CC5000-15J64XXEU
OEM Version:
OS Version: 4.1.1
Thank in advanced.
Best regards.

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1 Replies


The laser beam has a timeout which can be configured through the Datawedge profile. It may be under 'Scanner Params' as 'Beam timeout'. Can you look for it, try to change & see if it helps?

Can’t find what you’re looking for?