Does the scanner can scan without focusing on the EditText for TC55?

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G George Ng 3 years 10 months ago
6 1 0

I am using TC55 for mobile development. I have seen the tutorials in this site. I found that the scanner cannot scan without EditText. It inputs the scanned text in EditText only after scanning. It is a trouble for me because i won't set a EditText in my UI design. I want to get the value from the scanner after scanning the bar-code without EditText. Does it possible?

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1 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi George,
yes, something like what you are asking for is possible.

You can create a datawedge profile for your foreground activity and receive the data as an Intent or you can integrate the Barcode API directly in your application.

You can find more information about this on our documentation website:

Using Intent Output With DataCapture Profiles
Using Broadcast Intent in DataCapture Profiles
Basic Scanning Tutorial using Barcode API


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