LS2208 - hex commands for C language

// Expert user has replied.
L Lukasz Gburzynski 3 years 10 months ago
9 2 0

Where i can find some table of possible commands/actions for raw C language (without any aditional libs) for control ex. Beep or LEDs?
I`m writing for linux so i can`t use SDK for windows and i can`t find hex command for use with libusb (and ex. control_transfer()) for my scanner
Thanks for help

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2 Replies

R Riad Benallou

Hello Lukaz,
we do have Linux SDK available on our support page and which also includes sample please see following link
Scanner SDK for Linux Support & Downloads | Zebra

L Lukasz Gburzynski

Hello Riad,
I know, but i can`t use SDK in that case (or .dll`s from SDK). I can only use and send raw hex codes to scanner via libusb_control_transfer() etc.
It will be better if you can send sources of .dll (for ExecComand() / Execute() commands from SDK) if you can.
Or maybe you have some .pdf for programmers that not using SDK.
I sniff some codes from Simple SDK Application (like for RED LED) but if i send it via control_transfer() scanner don`t do nothing.
Maybe some initialization codes needed?
Please help! Urgent

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