Connection between ZT410 and Cognex Reader using ZBI 2.1

J Januszewski Leszek 3 years 10 months ago
51 0 0

I'm trying to print label with data sent from Cognex barcode reader.
First I was trying to use ZPL, but data from Cognex (configured to use RS232 port / connected to USB) is 32 character long, and function ^FN can only use 20 chars (maximum length of data which can be displayed/entered). So my data was truncated to 20 chars.
Now I'm trying to use ZBI, but after opening serial port (open #2: name "SER") when I try to receive data from scanner (input #2: A$) i have nothing. Program stays at input line. When I try to run program at virtual printer everything is ok. Data from reader have termination CR/LF.
Anyone here have similar problems with barcode readers?
Best Regards,

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