How do I use RhoElements without a subscription?

Z Zach Curtis 3 years 10 months ago
4 2 0

Does anyone know if I can in fact build a RhoMobile application with RhoElements usage without paying for the developer license? I emailed Rho to clarify and I was told repeatedly that you DO NOT need to pay the Silver or Gold plan to build a mobile application with RhoElements support at all. Everything I read on every RhoMobile site tells me differently, and when I attempt to actually build the application, I get an error telling me I must upgrade my plan (I currently have a free plan). Rho email support even for sales is unhelpful and I was told to ask the community (Rho cannot tell me how to build a RhoElements enabled app without paying, which tells me using Rho at all is a mistake).

Can anyone answer definitively how to accomplish (or point to documentation) on how to setup a Rho development environment on Windows or Mac to build a Windows Mobile application WITH RhoElements without paying the $300 / month / developer?

Thanks in advance!

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2 Replies

M Mark Nongkhlaw

As I understand it, Rho including RhoElements has gone open source from versions above 5.4. Maybe you're still on Zebra version (

Z Zach Curtis

Ah OK. I was thinking that was the case but when I download RhoStudio it is
only 5.4. I looked at the github repos and if I build from source it is
tagged 5.4.0 as well. Maybe the next version is not out yet?

On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 10:42 AM, Mark Nongkhlaw

Can’t find what you’re looking for?