Device Runtime Deployment for new EMDK 4.2 does not recognize connected device

R Richard Venderbosch 3 years 10 months ago
5 3 0

When I start "Device Runtime Deployment" to deploy the new MX runtime binaries coming with the new EMDK release 4.2, I always get an error message indicating that there is no device connected although a device is actually connected via USB.
This is what I see on the screen:
This utility will deploy the EMDK for Android device runtime on the connected
Zebra Android device. This can update only one connected device at a time.
(C) 2014-2016 Symbol Technologies LLC. All rights reserved.
IMPORTANT: Connect the Zebra Android device to the computer via USB before
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Starting adb server...
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Querying the state of the connected device...
FAILED: There is no device connected. Connect a device and try again.
The EMDK for Android device runtime deployment process has terminated!
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I've tried with TC75, with TC55 and TC8000. Always the same result.
Installing the EmdkOSUpdateApp_v4.2.3.apk manually shows no problems.
But I takes much more time to first copy the APK file to the device and then install and start it on the device.
How to fix this?

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3 Replies

c chandan kumar

Hi Richard,
I tried doing installation via Profile Manger.So i craeted a profile,inside that i choosed App mgr and action as install of EMDKOSUPDATE.But for calling ProcessProfile you need emdk run time already installed on device.Please let me know if i am doing some thing wrong.

R Richard Venderbosch

Hello Chandan.

Yes. You're right. Sorry that I didn't get the core of your problem

You can install the APK with another approach.
But this will need the assistance of the user because he will be prompted to allow the APK installation.
I found this method on Stack Overflow:

Intent intent = new Intent();
   // create intentintent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(new File(apkPathName)),
   // start activity to install the (APK) filestartActivity(intent);

Hope this helps better ...



Hi Richard,  Do the devices show up in the devices list when you run "adb devices" on the command line? 

Make sure to update to the latest USB driver:…

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