How do you set Decoder Parms with Cordova EMKD Plugin

// Expert user has replied.
C Christopher Sather 3 years 10 months ago
6 3 0

Hi, my customer has a Cordova app that uses com.symbol.emdk/com.symbol.emdk.jar reference to do scanning.  We need to change the UPCE decoder parms.  Is that done in the app or in a datawedge profile?

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3 Replies

C Christopher Sather

I posted a sample app they use the same library for a scanner test.

C Christopher Sather

The customer was able to fix the decoder issue by addng code to their app in the    ScannerConfig config = scanner.getConfig(); section


Chris, I have done no work with Cordova, but if they are using the emdk barcode api's, then it must be done in the app, not in datawedge.

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