Airwatch not being able to change APN Settings in TC75

E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 10 months ago
33 2 0

my costumer is using airwatch to change the TC75's APN.
He did not succeed.
Using airwtch on to his Samsung, it works fine ( with the same settings)
Any suggestions what needs to be done to make the airwatch work with TC75?

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2 Replies


You'll need to contact AW directly to have them help your customer implement this feature. Adding APNs won't work through the AW console you'll need to get an apk from AW that will use our MX XML to add the APN information.

AW should provide the XML apk and you can generate the MX XML using StageNow then exporting the profile.

G Gary Hartstone

We had the same issue last year and requested the function be added. Didn't get anywhere with Airwatch though. Probably needs a "Public Feature Request" so that it can be upvoted by the Airwatch user community.

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