Zebra TC75 Scanner problem - Scanning Aztec containing a "raw" byte array

M Magnus Balldin 3 years 10 months ago
6 1 0

I am developing an application for TC75 which involve scanning (with the built in 2D area imager) an Aztek image. The application is based on Xamarin. Therefore I am using “EMDK for Xamarin 2.0” (http://techdocs.zebra.com/emdk-for-xamarin/2-0/guide/about/). I am initializing the scanner according to the sample code here: http://techdocs.zebra.com/emdk-for-xamarin/2-0/tutorial/barcodeapitutor…

I have set up the scanner configuration according to this code snippet (C#):

ScannerConfig config = scanner.GetConfig();
config.SkipOnUnsupported = ScannerConfig.SkipOnUnSupported.None;
config.ScanParams.DecodeLEDFeedback = true;
config.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ImagerSpecific.PickList = ScannerConfig.PickList.Enabled;
config.DecoderParams.Aztec.Enabled = true;

I can scan the Aztek and I receive an string representing the Aztek. So far so good!

Here is the problem. The Aztek contains a binary format. In other words, the Aztek contains a “raw” byte array. If it helps here is how the Aztek is generated (in C#) (The class Barcode is comming from a NuGet package called ”Bytescout.BarCode”):

public static Bitmap EncodeAztecWithBytescoutUsingRawBytes(string base64, int size, bool useCompression = true)
var bytes = Base64Url.Decode(base64);

if (useCompression)
bytes = Compress(bytes);

// Create Barcode component instance
using (var barcode = new Barcode())
barcode.RegistrationName = "demo";
barcode.RegistrationKey = "demo";

barcode.Symbology = SymbologyType.Aztec;

// Force binary mode
barcode.Options.AztecCompactionMode = AztecCompactionMode.Binary;
barcode.ResolutionX = size;
barcode.ResolutionY = size;

// Level 2 error correction. 23% of data region will be filled by error correction data
barcode.Options.AztecErrorCorrectionLevel = AztecErrorCorrectionLevel.Level2;

using (var ms = new MemoryStream(bytes))

var image = barcode.GetImage();

var bitmap = CropToSquare(image);

return bitmap;

I have tried to recreate the byte array used in creating the Aztec bitmap but I have not been successfull. It seems like the scanner i not returning the raw data used to create the Aztek i.e. the "bytes" array in the code above is not the same after scan. Any ideas?

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1 Replies


Have you tried creating the barcode without using compression?  bytes = Compress(bytes);

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