Can only trigger once.

E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 10 months ago
36 3 0

Using EMDK 4.2 and a MC40 w/ KitKat...  After scanning a barcode and getting the data, I cannot trigger the scanner again.  I have to rotate the device (which re-runs onCreate()) before I can scan again.  Any suggestions on how I can immediately re-enable the trigger?  Thanks.

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3 Replies

D Deepak Jeswani

Thanks Bill..I did that ..I am using TC75 and tried it without delay. The issue I saw was when I continuous scan it and by mistake if I scan an invalid bar code or blank space between barcodes, it freezes the scanner. Scanner is unable to go back from idle to waiting status. So, the next time i press the scan button, it does not do anything. I do not even see the laser beam. I have to restart my app to get the scanning working again.

D Deepak Jeswani

if you try this basic scanning tutorial and scan a blank page or blank space you will be able to see the issue I am talking about.
Basic Scanning Tutorial using Barcode API - Zebra Technologies Techdocs


Hey Tony, Checkout out Barcode API sample.  It shows how to do continuous scanning.

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