How to change "Touch & hold delay" programmatically or during staging?

R Richard Venderbosch 3 years 10 months ago
50 2 0

In the Android "Settings" GUI under "Accessibility" there is a parameter named "Touch & hold delay".
You can choose between "Short", "Medium" and "Long", with "Short" being the standard or default value.
One of our customers wants this parameter to be changed on all his TC75 devices to "Medium".
We can't find a way to achieve this by StageNow or by MX/EMDK API or standard Android API.
So how can we change this setting from within our application or preferably during staging?

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2 Replies

R Richard Venderbosch

Thank you very much


Hello Richard, I'm not aware of a way to do this programmatically. We might be able to add this functionality to StageNow and EMDK. To make a request for a new feature, please fill out this form.

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