Not able to store graphics on Zebra GK420t - JAVA - Windows 8.1

A Arnaud Trosch 3 years 10 months ago
64 5 0

Hello everyone I'm trying to store an image on a Zebra GK420t printer before printing. This image must be converted pcx black and white before being sent through the commands of the documentation. With the command "GI", the printer prints a ticket if the image has been saved or not.The "GM" command allows me to save the image, I tried to send a file containing the path of the image, directly send the image path in string but nothing happened. The "GK" command just above deletes an image stored in the machine that has been registered before with the same name as the one that I want to store now.
I do not understand why my order does not pass on the machine. I join you the doc and my code in hopes that someone could help me.DOC: not pay too much attention to the comments, I keep them for different tests. My code really starts at ligne 95.Thank you in advance

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5 Replies

A Arnaud Trosch

I finally found out how to print a graphic, I'm posting the answer for future users.

Here is the java code :

In fact, I had to realize that the printer could understand EPL code and ZPL code. As I tried everything I could around the EPL I decided to send things in ZPL and it worked !

First step :
- Register your graphic in the printer. You need to download  - ZebraNet Bridge Enterprise -, that ables you to convert your picture into a zpl file.
- When you're done, you need its code. For example, open it with with the bloc note so that you can copy the data and send it directly to the printer.

Finally :

Send :


to print the graphic.

A Arnaud Trosch


I tried to use the "GW" command to print, after a day of work this command doesn't work neither.

The documentation is so so so unclear, what does it mean "Raw binary data" ? I tried to send hexa code, binary code... but nothing works, it prints black rectangles with little dots of white.

I do not understand why there are not exemples showing how to use your commands. I found a lot of topics about this issue but the answers are unclear too, it would be fantastic to have the code + the pcx image linked to the exemple to understand how it works on Windows...

Still hoping that someone could help me

Thanks for reading,


A Arnaud Trosch

It still doesn't work for me, I tried everything I could to solve the problem

A Arnaud Trosch

I wanted to speciify that I can write text, print bar codes... but the only thing that still doesn't work is the GM command.


Hi Arnaud,
Can you post the printed output of the GI command?  It may be that you don't have enough memory for the graphic.  Also you seem to be intermixing carriage returns and line feeds.  I'm not sure how much difference this makes but I would stick with just carriage returns or both: "/r" or "/r/n".  I'll put this question to one of our EPL experts as well to see if they have any thoughts.
Robin West

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