Is it possible to access the CC5000 integrated scanner from javascript

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C Chris Hauck 3 years 10 months ago
15 2 0

Is it possible to access the integrated scanner on the CC5000 Browser app from javascript (either from a web page or from an app build using PhoneGap)? 
Are there any built-in browser extensions that allow javascript to retrieve the scanned data?
Is it possible to scan a barcode and have it automatically populate a text field on a web page (HID/keyboard interface)?

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2 Replies


Is it possible to scan a barcode and have it automatically populate a text field on a web page (HID/keyboard interface)? - yes, you may use Datawedge for this, create a profile in it. To have the barcode sent to browser's address bar the activity related to browser can be mentioned in Intent output section. You may also need to enable 'keystroke output' for getting the barcode data in the field.

R RajaniKanth Reddy

Here is an example GitHub - tomgco/motorola-ssi: Communicate with a Motorola SE3307 IG scanner using SSI over USB in node.js

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