Google Play Services on TC75

// Expert user has replied.
D Deepak Jeswani 3 years 10 months ago
248 2 0

Is there a way I can access google play services on TC75? Specifically I need google location services for GPS data collection and location related uses in my application. My app code uses google location services to access the latitude longitude data. I am using build number 01-23257-K-14-04-00-MV and Android version 4.4.3

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2 Replies

O Olivier Leclerc

Hi, I would like to know if you succeeded, thank you!

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Deepak,
Zebra's TC75 is available in two configuration:

Professional, without the Google Mobile Services (the one you have right now)
Standard, with the Google Mobile Services (Google Play, Google Maps, Google Mail, etc).

The swap of the OS can be done by our service organisation. If you've a maintenance contract or an ISV account, you can download the GMS version of the OS on our support website:…


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