Programmatically not able to create profile with WPA2 Security for MC9190

k kunal gurnani 3 years 10 months ago
4 1 0

Currently Have two devices MC9190 and MC92N and able to create profile with  WPA 2 Security and TKIP Encryption for MC92N but not for MC9190.
Not sure why am I not able to create a profile using the same codeline for MC9190.
Interesting fact is profile with WEP Security works fine for both MC92N and MC9190
_truckInfraProfileData = new InfrastructureProfileData(WagonProfile + ssid, ssid);
//_truckInfraProfileData.CountryCode = "USA";
_truckInfraProfileData.CountryCode = "";
_truckInfraProfileData.Authentication.AuthenticationType = Authentication.AuthenticationTypes.NONE;
_truckInfraProfileData.SecurityType = WLANSecurityType.SECURITY_WPA2_PERSONAL;
_truckInfraProfileData.Encryption.AllowMixedMode = Symbol.Fusion.WLAN.Encryption.ALLOW_MIXED_MODE.ALLOW_MIXED_MODE_ON;
_truckInfraProfileData.Encryption.EncryptionType = Symbol.Fusion.WLAN.Encryption.EncryptionTypes.TKIP_PASSPH;
_truckInfraProfileData.Encryption.PassPhrase = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
_truckInfraProfileData.IPSettings.AddressingMode = IPSettings.AddressingModes.STATIC;
_truckInfraProfileData.IPSettings.IPAddress = hostIP;
_truckInfraProfileData.IPSettings.SubnetMask = subnetMask;
_truckInfraProfileData.SSID = ssid;
_truckInfraProfileData.TransmissionPower = InfrastructureProfileData.TransmitPowerLevel.BSS_AUTO;
if (batteryUsage == "CAM")
_truckInfraProfileData.PowerMode = PowerMode.CAM;
else if (batteryUsage == "Fast Power Save")
_truckInfraProfileData.PowerMode = PowerMode.FAST_POWER_SAVE;
else if (batteryUsage == "Max Power Save")
_truckInfraProfileData.PowerMode = PowerMode.MAX_POWER_SAVE;
_truckProfile = _thisWLAN.Profiles.CreateInfrastructureProfile(_truckInfraProfileData); // works fine with MC92N but not with MC9190
Symbol.Fusion.FusionResults result = _truckProfile.Connect(true);
What version of dll i am using is Symbol.Fusion.dll version 2.8.
Not sure if i have to change any settings or make changes to registry or corrections to my code to support creation of profile on MC9190. Please assist .

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1 Replies


What version of Fusion are you running?  I found the below in the EMDK help.

public Encryption.ALLOW_MIXED_MODE AllowMixedMode {get; set;}

This is supported on the Fusion versions 3.20 or later. Specifying the SecurityType is a requisite for this.
In Fusion 3.20 Release, AllowMixedMode cannot be set to ALLOW_MIXED_MODE_OFF since the Atheros Radio bydefault enables Mixed mode. Hence, the creation of profiles with AllowMixedMode set to ALLOW_MIXED_MODE_OFF will fail on the Fusion 3.20 Release.
Depending on the Fusion build available on the device, some combinations of profile - related settings will not be supported in which case an OperationFailureException would be thrown with its Result property set to the error code. This is due to the fact that there’s no any profile structure (FAPI_PROFILE_n) to be passed to the Fusion Public API in such cases.
For more details on these dependencies & requisites, please refer to the section "Creating Infrastructure Profiles" under the programmers' guide section for Fusion.

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