Not allowed to load local resource and signal-metatag

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M Moritz Heindl 3 years 10 months ago
2 1 0

I'm using the Enterprise Browser 1.4 on a WM 6.5 device. And I've got two problems:
1.  I encounter following message in the logfile:
     I 08/02/2016 15:56:57:000 4cac5a96 RhoWKBrowserEngine.cpp: 693| JS Log: , line 0: Not allowed to load local resource: file://PATH/some.JS
     file://PATH/some.JS is a placeholder for a real file.  How can I make the EB "allow" to load local resources or is this not possible.
2.   I try to get a signal-symbol in the EB but the metatag in the config.xml
     isn't working
Thanks for your help

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1 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Moritz,
I think that the problem you see is because you're reading the files using the file:// protocol.

Can you try enabling the HTTP server integrated in Enterprise Browser and see if this solve your issue?

you need to enable the option in the Config.xml file:

Regarding the "Signal" tag in the Config.xml, you should try to set it as visible:


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