App Store rejects my app (all apps must support IPv6)

A Adel Sari 3 years 10 months ago
5 4 0

My Rho (RMS 5.4) application has been rejected by apple review process.
the message is:
2. 1 PERFORMANCE: APP COMPLETENESSWe discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad and iPhone running iOS 9.3.4 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network.
any idea or help will be appreciated.

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4 Replies

A Adel Sari

i can confirm,
my application is now ready for sale on App Store.

so making this change on rhoconfig.txt
ios_net_curl = false
fix the problem.


A Alex Epifanov

Hi Adel,

Can you please confirm if setting ios_net_curl=0 resolves the issue with app submission to app store?


A Alex Epifanov

Hi all,

Setting ios_net_curl = false should enable native iOS networking stack which supports ipv6 out of the box.
Still currently we are getting feedback that there are issues with ipv6 functionality.
Tau Technologies has started research on this issue and has set it to high priority.
We are absolutely targeted to provide full ipv6 functionality in the upcoming RMS 5.5 release ( early September ).

Please also file RMS issues to the Tau support desk at


D Dmitry Soldatenkov

By default network implementation inside Rhomobile use curl library. Now it is not accessible for AppStore.
So you should switch application to use Apple's system network library.
Add to rhoconfig.txt next lines :

ios_net_curl = false
ios_direct_local_requests = true

In Rhomobile 5.5 we will set this property to false by default, but with previously versions of Rhomobile developers should set this property manually.
Second property needed if VPN or Proxy used on device.

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