Printing tickets Zebra series GC

A Alejandro Pineda 3 years 10 months ago
1 1 0

Hi everyone!
When I execute this code
^FB620,1,0,L^FO10,125^A0N,40,40^FDCant. - Producto - Mezclador^FS
^FB620,2,0,L^FO10,200^A0N,35,35^FD1-Shot /Cocktail ABC^FS
^FB620,2,0,L^FO10,280^A0N,35,35^FD1-180 GRS PIZZA PEPERONI^FS
^FB620,2,0,L^FO10,360^A0N,35,35^FD1-180 GRS PIZZA MARGARITA^FS
^FB620,2,0,L^FO10,0^A0N,35,35^FD1-180 GRS PIZZA TRES QUESOS^FS
^FB620,2,0,L^FO10,80^A0N,35,35^FD2-355 ML REFRESCOS^FS
^FB620,2,0,L^FO10,160^A0N,35,35^FD1-680 - 750 ML VODKA ABSOLUT AZUL^FS
^FB620,2,0,L^FO10,240^A0N,35,35^FD1-680 - 750 ML VODKA ABSOLUT CITRON^FS
^FB620,2,0,L^FO10,0^A0N,35,35^FD1-Copa VODKA ABSOLUT ELYX^FS
^FB620,2,0,L^FO10,80^A0N,35,35^FD1-Copa VODKA ABSOLUT MANDARIN^FS
^FB620,2,0,L^FO10,160^A0N,35,35^FD1-Copa VODKA ABSOLUT PEARS^FS
^FB620,2,0,L^FO10,240^A0N,35,35^FD1-680 - 750 ML TEQUILA CUERVO 18...^FS
^FB620,2,0,L^FO10,0^A0N,35,35^FD1-680 - 750 ML TEQUILA CUERVO 18...^FS
^FB620,1,0,C^FO10,80^A0N,30,30^FDCuenta 3160506^FS
^FB620,1,0,C^FO10,120^A0N,30,30^FDMesero: mikelsson sidgursson; Barra 5^FS
^FB620,1,0,C^FO10,160^A0N,30,30^FD15/08/2016 01:14^FS^PQ1,0,1,Y
I have an issue related to the ticket's ouput because the first block of text is printing ok but the next block starts at the beginning with a lot of blank spaces instead of it appears inmmediatly below of the last one, how can solve this problem.
thanks for your attention

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1 Replies


Hi Alejandro,
I'm not sure I understand the question.  Can you clarify by providing a scan of the document and highlight the issue?  I printed it myself but it looks fine to me.  I'm not sure what you are expecting to see.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?