SimulScan / Doc Cap

D Don Khan 3 years 10 months ago
2 1 0

Anyone out there with a successful SimulScan implementation/deployment?  If so, please share the experience.
I am faced with a Document Capture and SimulScan scenario to which, I am attempting to present the TC75.  The immediate requirement is a full document capture of an 8.5 X 11 Pro Bill/Manifest and eventually extraction of select fields from said document.  The SimulScan extraction appears to be performing at an acceptable level; however, the Document Capture, where the template is bordering the full 8.5 X 11 document is not faring as well.
Any ideas or suggestions welcomed.
Also, any "fully baked" application, incorporating a SimulScan component in existence?

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1 Replies



  There is a freeform template included with Simulscan called 'Default - DocCap+Optional Barcode.xml'. If you select this in the Simulscan demo app, you can test document capture of a full A4 size page and view the resulting image on the screen of the device. To use this for a customer app, the easiest way would be to modify the EMDK SimulScan1 sample to select this template and save the resulting image as a PNG/JPG file.

Best Regards,
Ian Hatton

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