How to remove the standard web link from the enterprise home screen?

O Olivier Toebosch 3 years 10 months ago
196 6 0

A longpress on the corresponding Icon wants to install the browser...

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6 Replies


You can access the enterprisehomescreen,xml using ADB which can be downloaded as a small file by installing MyMobiler (MyMobiler Android Keyboard & Display)  and the Zebra USB drivers (…… ) . From the MyMobiler installation folder, type the following at a command prompt:

adb pull /enterprise/usr/enterprisehomescreen.xml

Edit the file with a suitable file editor to remove the Browser link and then copy it back to the device using the command

adb push enterprisehomescreen.xml /enterprise/usr/enterprisehomescreen.xml

The change should take effect immediately. 

O Olivier Toebosch

Thank you Ian. your answer and the one from Daryn corresponds to the solution.
I don't know if you have any influence on the xml file that is installed with the original apk, but I would like to suggest to remove this link from that apk. That would make our life a lot easier!
best regards,


I agree although it can be better to build a custom EHS installation using StageNow and include your own config file. As an example , the StageNow barcodes at (!rem_ehs2dot3.pdf  &nb…; ) will install a demo config with a Zebra wallpaper on any device with a pre-configured internet connection. Once EHS is running, you can add your own apps to the blank homescreen (manually or via editing the XML file) and also change the wallpaper using adb as follows:

adb push myimage.png /enterprise/usr/zebra.png

O Olivier Toebosch

I will look into stage now, but not now :-)



By standard web link do you mean the ET1 video link on the user screen that seems to be present by default?

Regardless, you should be able to remove any application or link from the user home screen by modifying \enterprise\usr\enterprisehomescreen.xml and rebooting.  Depending on which device you're using you might need to copy the file off using Android DDMS and copy it back using that same tool.


O Olivier Toebosch

thx. it's a TC55 kitkat. no access to that directory. I'll have to install the SDK just for this purpose. no other way to reach that file, it seams.
I strongly suggest to have this removed from the standard install file. This app is perfectly usable without being 'developper'...

best regards,


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