Revert EMDK Version to older version

// Expert user has replied.
D Deepak Jeswani 3 years 10 months ago
3 4 0

I installed EMDK version 5.0.3 on TC75. Now, I want to go back to version EMDK 4.2. Is there a way I can revert this version to older one on TC75? I dont see any uninstall in settings-> apps-> EMDK service. The only option available is force stop and disable.

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4 Replies

R Rodrigo Farfan

Hello ​ Peter. I know this post is 1 year old, but the fact is that I need to downgrade EMDK 5.0.3 to 4.2 on a MC67NA and I cannot find factory reset files (nor OS builds) in the support page. I've developed a barcode module for Appcelerator Titanium that works perfectly on a TC55 with android 4.1 on top of EMDK 5.0, but it crashes on MC67NA with android 4.1 and need to revert MC67 EMDK runtime to 4.2 to check if it works.

Thanks in advance for your help.

R Rodrigo Farfan

Well, finally I could downgrade following instructions in Configuring A Device - Zebra Technologies Techdocs
Setting installmode to overwrite in emdkosupdateconfig.xml makes it possible.

P Peter Arcuri

Try doing a factory reset on the device. If it persist, then re-flash the OS build. Files for these operations are located at Zebra support site -

BTW, EMDK 5.0.3 is not an official release.

P Peter Arcuri

Correction, EMDK 5.0.3 runtime has been officially released.

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