EB1.4 on TC8000 - Proximity Sensor

// Expert user has replied.
E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 10 months ago
0 2 0

With EB1.4 on a TC8000, I'm having trouble turning on the proximity sensor via JavaScript. I see that that turning it on in the settings and using DataWedge it appears to work fine.
But when using JavaScript and the EB object, I've been unsuccessful trying to turn the sensor on.
Can anyone share their code to get the proximity sensor turned on please ?
Thank you very much.

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2 Replies

A Abhineet Agarwal

Dear Gord,

Please let us know the below things:
1. Which Enterprsie Browser API are you using for turning on the proximity sensor?
2. Is it running on TC8000 KK or above platform?

Please note:
You can set the proximity sensor using EnterpriseBrowser RE 2.x RawSensors API as mentioned below:
Syntax: Add the below syntax to the html page which enables the proximity sensor data retrieval.
     RawSensors.proximity = 'Enabled';
In the html page, the above syntax will work if and only if "elements.js" is included to the page.
"elements.js" file is present under "C:\EnterpriseBrowser\JavaScriptFiles\BackwardCompatibility\Android" if EnterpriseBrowser MSI is installed under "C:/" drive on Windows PC.

Thanks & Regards,

G Gord Davey

I really need to know about the proximity sensor please.
When I turn on hands-free scanning in settings, the proximity sensor works, but as soon as I start the Enterprise Browser (1.4) is quits working, and I can find nothing in the API that works to turn the Proximity sensor on.
Thank you.

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