Motorola LS3578 how to apply two suffixes

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T Timur Allashukurov 3 years 10 months ago
24 1 0

Hello everybody. Today i received my scanner, Motorola LS3578. The scanner has been connected via bluetooth, and its working amazing.
I have a question:
Im using a special software, where I'm printing the shipping labels. To get this shipment by order number, I'm need to scan a barcode, then program show me the order details.
After i need apply "Enter" and "F9" to get a shipping label.
Please help me, is there any way to apply on the end of each times of scanning two suffixes.
The manual show me that i can apply "Prefix" Data "Suffix", but i need something as (Data "Suffix" "Suffix")
When i scan a barcode, scanner add on the end    "Enter button" then "F9 button"
Thank you very much for any help!

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1 Replies

T Tsu Beng Tan

Hi Timur,

feel free to explore this Zebra tool -123scan2 :
123Scan Utility Support & Downloads | Zebra
This tool able to help in advance data formatting.

Hope this helps.
Thanks.Tsu Beng

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