Getting Started with RFID - fx9500 Reader

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D Diogo Moura 3 years 10 months ago
31 5 0

Hello everyone, I'm starting a project in my company, with RFID tags. I got the reader of the fx9500 motorola, and would like to develop the software for the same, without having to hire third party services, I would like what I would need to take the first steps, for example, what apis must have, I need Some specific software to program the reader, guys any information helps me.
Thanks for reading.

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5 Replies

L Lenna Corkery

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F Florence Greer

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T Tsu Beng Tan

Hi Dlogo,

I suggest you could get started with Zebra EMDK 1st, below is the link to download EMDK for .Net v2.9:

After the installation, you can refer to Start > Programs > Motorola EMDK for.Net v2.9 > helps > Programmer guide > RFID 3 > Generic Reader interface:
Also, there are samples host application that you could refer.They are located at START > PROGRAMS > MOTOROLA EMDK FOR .NET v2.9 > SAMPLES
In the samples, there are CS_RFID3_Host_Sample1 and CS_RFID3_Host_Sample2:
Hope this helps.

Thanks.Tsu Beng.

M Miguel Juarez
Para mí es algo complicado, pero no creo que no se pueda hacer. Recomiendo utilizar para sacarle el máximo partido.
S Sean Kennedy

Just an FYI: 

FX9500 and FX7400 platforms are no longer supported by Zebra.

You can still use the legacy EMDK DOT NET 32-bit driver to access / use the FX9500 for Host-Based SDK connections - but if you encounter an issue and goto Help desk - your Serial Number and Platform will be responded to as "No Longer Supported"

As a result - I would suggest making the Transition to developing on the Up-to-Date platforms for the Fixed Readers such as the FX7500, the FX9600, and the ATR7xx platforms.

(There is also the ST5xxx reader - which uses an FX7500 internally - so the FX7500 supports is what is recommended to review if you are working with that gateway RFID Product. )  



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