Not able to capture images in enterprise browser of HHT(Workabout pro 4) windows device.

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D Disha Gujar 3 years 4 months ago
9 1 0

I have web application developed in & using enterprise browser of  Workabout pro 4 windows device.
I am not able to capture images from Workabout pro 4 device using web application.
- Camera is attached with the device.
- Using FileUpload control for capturing images which worked on desktop machines & android mobiles.
Tried sample application having html pages (attached camera.rar) provided by motorola team & Followed below steps-
1)     Extract the camera.rar
2)     Host ebapi-modules.js and testcam.html on your server.
3)     Open config.xml and edit startpage with proper url to the testcam.html
4)     Launch EB
5)     Click showpreview button. Check is preview shown,
6)     Click quit button
7)     Relaunch EB
8)     Click takePicture if show preview had shown a preview in step 5
9)     Now click capture button. You can see an image is catured and put on your document.
Even this sample application could not not worked for me. Please help me & provide alternate solution.
Disha Gujar

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1 Replies

A Abhineet Agarwal

Dear Disha Gujar,

Enterprise Browser currently don't support Camera API on WorkAbout Pro 4 device.
Please check the online documentation where we have already captured the same.
Camera - Zebra Technologies Techdocs

Thanks & Regards,
Abhineet Agarwal
Enterprise Browser Software Lead

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