EMDK Scanner Exceptions on TC51 Android M

// Expert user has replied.
C Christopher Sather 3 years 10 months ago
75 5 0

Posting on behalf of my customer.
TC51, GMS, BSP 12-03.  Using the  emdk.jar from a cordova plugin:
Due to our recent changes Istarted getting some exception from scanner SDK and I would like to post this in the portal but I’m unable to post it as Create Discussion button taking me to some other page. Could you please post this on my behalf and let me know for any response?

java.lang.NullPointerException:Attempt to read from field 'java.util.HashMapcom.symbol.emdk.emdkservice.barcode.SvcBarcodeManager.createdScannerDevices' ona null object reference



01-1022:33:28.213 22972-23035/com.tgt.mywork.androidW/System.err:     at


01-1022:33:28.213 22972-23035/com.tgt.mywork.androidW/System.err:     at

com.symbol.emdk.emdkservice.barcode.SvcScannerException:The object is not valid.


Attempt to invokevirtual method 'java.lang.Object java.util.HashMap.get(java.lang.Object)' on anull object reference


com.symbol.emdk.emdkservice.barcode.SvcScannerException:The object is not valid.

01-1103:46:58.409 4944-4955/? W/System.err:     atcom.symbol.emdk.emdkservice.barcode.SvcScanner.getConfig(SvcScanner.java:174)
01-1103:46:58.409 4944-4955/? W/System.err:     atcom.symbol.emdk.emdkservice.SvcEMDKManager.scnGetConfig(SvcEMDKManager.java:1036)
01-1103:46:58.409 4944-4955/? W/System.err:     atcom.symbol.emdk.emdkservice.ProfileService.scnGetConfig(ProfileService.java:622)

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5 Replies

C Christopher Sather

Update from Target with using the newer EMDK 6.0

I used the EMDK 6 for TC51(API 23) and observed very few exceptions. I’ll monitor for a couple more days and keep you guys posted in case of any issues.

Kishore PV

R Richard Venderbosch

"Create Discussion button taking me to some other page."

Same Problem here: the "START A DISCUSSION" button links to an old motorolasolution web page :-(


Hi Richard (and everyone else).  The underlying link for the 'Start a Discussion' was corrected.  Thank you for identifying the problem.

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Thanks for reporting this Richard!

I'll ask the team to look into it.


P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Chris,
do you know which Cordova plugin your customer is using?


Can’t find what you’re looking for?