SAPUI5 in EB 1.5?

// Expert user has replied.
D Daniel Schauer 3 years 9 months ago
25 1 0

does Enterprise Browser 1.5 also Support SAPUI5-Apps?
I've read that EB supports HTML5 but I wonder if it also supports SAP's UI5 libraries?
And what about Neptune apps like Inventory Counting that seem to run in desktop browsers, too?
Kind regards

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1 Replies

A Abhineet Agarwal

Dear Daniel,

So far, EnterpriseBrowser don't claim support for SAP UI5 or Neptune applications.
One can try to render SAP UI5 or Neptune or Fiori application with EnterpriseBrowser applications.
We have seen that most of the time it has worked but depends on the pages as well.

We will soon be providing formal support for SAP Fiori application.
We will also see to consider support for SAP UI5 and Neptune application within EnterpriseBrowser based on customer needs.


We will be supporting SAP Fiori on Android application. On WM/CE, support will only be provided based on management decision.

Thanks & Regards,

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