BluetoothDiscoverer.findPrinters() does go to call back.

m muhammad ali 3 years 5 months ago
102 4 0

I am trying following code to find bluetooth printers. The code runs fine on API 4 however it does not run on API 6. It starts looking for the bluetooth printers but did not go to any callbacks or neither throw any error.  I am using ZSDK_API 2.9.2275.jar. Please let me know what I am doing wrong. Thanks in advance. 
private void lookForPrinters() {
   public void run() {
   try {
  BluetoothDiscoverer.findPrinters(MainActivity.this, new DiscoveryHandler() {
   public void foundPrinter(DiscoveredPrinter discoveredPrinter) {
  DiscoveredPrinterBluetooth discoveredPrinterBluetooth = (DiscoveredPrinterBluetooth) discoveredPrinter;
   if  (discoveredPrinterBluetooth.friendlyName != null && discoveredPrinterBluetooth.friendlyName.startsWith("XXXX")) {   Log.i(TAG, "Discovered a printer"  + discoveredPrinterBluetooth.friendlyName);
   public void discoveryFinished() {
  Log.i(TAG, "Discovery finished");
   public void discoveryError(String s) {
  Log.i(TAG, "Discovery error");
   catch (ConnectionException e) {
  Log.i(TAG , e.getMessage());

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4 Replies

m muhammad ali

Thanks. I checked iMZ320 specification. It is not Bluetooth low energy device however I tried with com.zebra.sdk.btleComm.BluetoothLeDiscoverer but no success.  In communication and interface capability it say android android 2.0 , 4.0 , 4.1. Does it mean it does not support after 4.1.

m muhammad ali

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your reply. I am already using following permission. Today I updated API to 2.11.2800. It starts going on callbacks but only go to discoveryFinished callback. It does not find Bluetooth printer. Again it is running fine on older version. The printer I am using is iMZ320. 


R Richard Venderbosch

Maybe this helps:


R Richard Venderbosch


Please google "android 6 bluetooth search permission" and read the articel(s) on Stackoverflow.
You need additional permissions for device discovery.

Hope that helps,


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