Extra Sapce feeding on start of printing

R Raja Avon 3 years 5 months ago
1 0 0

Hi All,
My Android App using Zebra printers for printing labels. Im using MZ320 printer. I encounter a problem while start of printing.
When the printer starts printing it feeds some extra spaces on start of every label, which in turn takes more space when printing series of 10 labels.
The 10th label starts its first line in the middle of the label. I really don't know how to avoid it. Im looking for some guidance.
Could you guys help me out. Thanks in advance.
This is my code for start of the label.
String abc= "ABCPRIVATE LTD";
String contact = "Visit us at www.abc.co.in";
byte[] configLabel = null;
String cpclConfigLabel = mLabelConfig + "ON-FEED IGNORE\r\n"
  + "PAGE-WIDTH 540\r\n" + "T 5 0 40 30 " + abc+ "\r\n"
  + "T 0 2 60 60" + contact + "\r\n"
  + "BARCODE-TEXT 5 2 5 BARCODE 128 1 1 40 70 200 " + "123456789"
  + "\r\n"
  + "PRINT\r\n";
  configLabel = cpclConfigLabel.getBytes();
  if (printerConnection instanceof BluetoothConnection) {
  String friendlyName = ((BluetoothConnection) printerConnection)

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