ZebraPrinterLinkOs fails to Wrap printer object in my Android app

J Juan C. Hidalgo 3 years 10 months ago
3 1 0

I am working with an iMZ320 printer using ZPL language. For some reason when I try to create a wrap for my printer object - ZebraPrinterLinkOs linkOsPrinter = ZebraPrinterFactory.createLinkOsPrinter(printer); - it fails and stops my application unexpectedly. Without using the wrapper my application works fine.
BTW, I tried the ConnectAndPrint Sample and the ZebraPrinterLinkOs instruction to create the wrapper works fine.
Hope somebody can guide me in the right direction.
Juan Carlos

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1 Replies


Hi Juan, Are you catching an exception?  I believe that command may throw several exceptions.  It would be helpful to know which one.  If not, is the linkOSPrinter object returning with == null?

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