Link-OS SDK for Xamarin does not work with iPod when connecting to ZD500 Printer by Wifi

T Tianyu Meng 3 years 8 months ago
5 1 0

I am trying to use Link-OS SDK Xamarin to create connection to ZD 500 printer by Wifi. It works perfectly on Android. But when I test iOS project with a iPod (ios version 9.3), it is not working.
When the program run to line:
it failed and gives nothing in exception. (open connection failed and nothing in response).
I also tried to download a Zebra Utility App and input the ip address and port number and it says ""

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1 Replies


Hi, I'm just checking a few of the easy issues- Are you finding the printer via discovery or using the IP address directly? Can you find the printer via the iOS settings?

Can’t find what you’re looking for?