RS6000 Scanner integration with Ms.Net windows desktop application

S Satya Thanohar 3 years 10 months ago
1 2 0

Hi ,
we would like to use RS6000 Bluetooth scanner with MS.Net desktop application .
do we have any SDK for Desktop applications to control Beep sounds and direct data capture from the Bluetooth port ??
Satya Thanohar

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2 Replies



I am afraid these cannot be controlled over the Bluetooth port from a MS.Net desktop application, you will need to configure the scanner by scanning configuration barcodes and then connect to the desktop using either the HID or SPP profile.  The RS6000 manual is here:…; and the help page for the peripheral is here: RS6000 Ring Scanner Support & Downloads | Zebra .  Please note that the EMDK for .NET SDK listed on that page only runs on Zebra mobile computers and so is not applicable for your set-up.


If you want to make it beep,  you could write an app that connects to the scanner serially using SPP mode and use the "Beep on " feature mentioned in the user guide.  You can send it a character  over the serial port and it should beep.

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