Debug scanning TC8000?

// Expert user has replied.
D Dillon Pint 3 years 10 months ago
51 1 0

I need to debug the TC8000 while able to scan. The base it came with is very bulky, blocks the scanner, and the whole setup seems to be very not developer friendly.
Does anyone know if there's an adapter to take the place of the charging base so I can scan? Or perhaps a hidden port to plug in the micro-USB for debugging in Android Studio?

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1 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Dillon,
You can debug your app using wifi and adb:

Connect the device via USB and make sure debugging is working.
adb tcpip 5555
find the IP address with adb shell netcfg
adb connect :5555
Disconnect USB and proceed with wireless debugging.
adb -s :5555 usb to switch back when done.

This is standard Android behaviour: debugging - Run/install/debug Android applications over Wi-Fi? - Stack Overflow

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