QLN320 bluetooth stopped working

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M Mark Beeston 3 years 10 months ago
158 3 0

Hi All, i have a QLN320 that the bluetooth has stopped working, i have done all the usual, configuration, reset, different batteries. It looks like the bluetooth is dead. This is actually the third printer i have had that has done the exact same thing, i need to get it back for repair once again. Has anyone else experienced this and if so is there a common cause, given the how expensive these are for what they are i would expect them to last, it never seems that they fail for any other reason other than the bluetooth just goes down. this is what i tried, update firmware to latest version, zebra set up utilities configure printer connectivity all to no avail, shows on the screen that bluetooth is on but no connections, not discoverable on any device

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3 Replies


Can you run the following command through the Setup Utility?
! U1 getvar "bluetooth"
! U1 do "bluetooth.clear_bonding_cache"

The output should look like below:

bluetooth.discoverable : on , Choices: on,off
bluetooth.friendly_name : XXQLJ141300691
bluetooth.version : 
bluetooth.date : 
bluetooth.local_name : 
bluetooth.address : 
bluetooth.bluetooth_pin : *
bluetooth.short_address : 
bluetooth.radio_version : no radio
bluetooth.enable : on , Choices: on,off
bluetooth.connected : no
bluetooth.minimum_security_mode : 1 , Choices: 1,2,3,4
bluetooth.connected_security_mode : nc
bluetooth.bonding : on , Choices: on,off
bluetooth.enable_reconnect : iOS_only , Choices: off,iOS_only

Check the highlighted parts in the output. Hope this helps.

M Mark Beeston

Hi Steven

thanks for getting back to me, I did as you suggested and looks like the below, so does this all look ok or as expected, still no Bluetooth though

bluetooth.discoverable : on , Choices: on,off
bluetooth.friendly_name : white
bluetooth.version : 4.3.1p1
bluetooth.date : 02/13/2015
bluetooth.local_name : PRINTER1
bluetooth.address : AC:3F:A4:47:3D:27
bluetooth.bluetooth_pin : *
bluetooth.short_address : AC3FA4473D27
bluetooth.radio_version : 3.0
bluetooth.enable : on , Choices: on,off
bluetooth.connected : no
bluetooth.minimum_security_mode : 1 , Choices: 1,2,3,4
bluetooth.connected_security_mode : nc
bluetooth.bonding : on , Choices: on,off
bluetooth.enable_reconnect : iOS_only , Choices: off,iOS_only
bluetooth.json_config_channel_enable : on , Choices: on,off

t testtt test

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