QLn320 Firmware V68.20.01Z Disconnects When Paired Via Bluetooth to iOS 11 Device

R Ricky Munz 3 years 10 months ago
51 2 0

My team develops an iOS app that connects to a QLn320 printer via bluetooth. The printing works fine in the app with iOS 10 and 11 with firmware V68.19.7Z, which is what most of the printers came with when we bought them. However, firmware V68.20.01Z works well only on iOS 10.x. With firmware V68.20.01Z on iOS 11.x, the printer seems to disconnect randomly after being sent print commands.
For a device with iOS 11.x and printer with firmware V68.20.01Z, I receive the following error logs when the printer disconnects:
2017-10-12 14:42:36.592043-0400 ****[325:42028] Removing EASession DB87ABC0-D9DE-4026-BBEF-B28D075366C0 from list of sessionUUIDs
2017-10-12 14:42:36.599150-0400 ****[325:42028] accessoryd sessionResult = 1, useSocketInterace = 0, sessionID = 0x2
2017-10-12 14:42:42.017038-0400 ****[325:39018] CoreAccessories accessoryInfo for departure = {
    ACCExternalAccessoryPrimaryUUID = "D3364F61-9AE7-462D-A971-22C85E266BE7";
    IAPAppAccessoryCapabilitiesKey = 1;
    IAPAppAccessoryDockTypeKey = "";
    IAPAppAccessoryFirmwareRevisionKey = 001;
    IAPAppAccessoryFirmwareRevisionPendingKey = "";
    IAPAppAccessoryHardwareRevisionKey = 001;
    IAPAppAccessoryMacAddressKey = "AC:3F:A4:0F:25:DB";
    IAPAppAccessoryManufacturerKey = "Zebra Technologies";
    IAPAppAccessoryModelNumberKey = QLn320;
    IAPAppAccessoryNameKey = XXQLJ142601440;
    IAPAppAccessoryProtocolsKey =     {
        "com.zebra.rawport" = 90;
    IAPAppAccessorySerialNumberKey = XXQLJ142601440;
    IAPAppAccessoryVehicleInfoInitialDataKey =     {
    IAPAppConnectionIDKey = 36845014;
2017-10-12 14:42:42.017425-0400 ****[325:39018] Removing EASession 49A05637-48C5-491F-BF8C-D86CAEBF8420 from list of sessionUUIDs
Anyone else experiencing this issue? Anyone having problems with iOS 11 in general when communicating with Zebra products?

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2 Replies

B Brent Grandil

Yes we have the same issue and going doing to 7z resolves it. Any fix for this?


There is post (iMZ320 Firmware) on the portal, which reports a similar issue against iMZ320. Our internal engineering team is investigating this right now, but haven't root-caused it yet. I would suggest you rollback to the earlier version of the firmware of QLn320​​ for now, till we found a solution.

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