Bluetooth connection otimization

F F Sissaoui 3 years 10 months ago
8 0 0


I tried to work with an Android phone using Android 7.0 version and the printer iMZ320 by using the Bluetooth outside.

The printer was working perfectly during 2 hours and after that it start to make some Bluetooth disconnection, battery of printer was full and phone as well.
Some printers disconnected from Bluetooth only after 10mn.

After rebooting the application that I use to work to print some lables, the Bluetooth connection works again.

I don't know exactly what's make the printer disconnect from Bluetooth, we are using more than 1000 thousand printers mainly outside and I'm wondering if sometime in specific places, something like a "big wifi noise" make troubles on Bluetooth.

Someone from Zebra support sent me a list of commands to disable the wifi and to enable the afh mode but not sure that iMZ320 is supported by afh mode.
I precise that the wifi of the phone which send the print request to the printer was disabled.

What makes troubles on Bluetooth connection outside?

Many thanks for your reply.

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