ZPL for Aztec code with ECICs

D Django Redlar 3 years 9 months ago
50 2 0


I'm trying to use Aztec Code barcodes with ECI codes in my labels, but I can't get it to work and I haven't been able to find any examples of this online. Can anyone provide an example? Is there some sort of escape syntax in the ^FD field that is enabled by setting the ^BO parameter ECICs = Y?

Appreciate any help!


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2 Replies

D Dmitry Prokhorov

Hello Django,

I am working on your question and still in progress with that. Will update you as soon as will have a solution.

Dmitry Prokhorov
Software Engineer, Kutir Mobility
Posted on behalf of Zebra Technologies

D Dmitry Prokhorov

Hello Django,

Also you can try to use ZebraDesigner​ to design your label with Aztec code with ECICs.

Dmitry Prokhorov
Software Engineer, Kutir Mobility
Posted on behalf of Zebra Technologies

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