iOS - SDK - no printer found

E Ernst Suedmeyer 3 years 3 months ago
52 2 0

Hi I'm new to this whole printing thing.  I have looked through the sdk am stuck with connecting to the printer.

Used the connecting bluetooth sample functions from the iOS documentation, which I translated into swift, but no printer was found.  Tried this with device already connected to iOS and not connected to iOS.

        var serialNumber = ""
        let sam = EAAccessoryManager.shared()
        let connectedAccessories = sam.connectedAccessories as Array
        for accessory in connectedAccessories {
            if accessory.protocolStrings.contains("com.zebra.rawport") {
                serialNumber = accessory.serialNumber
        let thePrinterConn : ZebraPrinterConnection = MfiBtPrinterConnection(serialNumber: serialNumber)
        var success =

Any ideas? What am I missing?

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2 Replies

E Ernst Suedmeyer

Got it ... so now we can find the printer, have installed print direct on the printer ... anybody know how we tell print direct to print a pdf file and where to get it?

R Roman Jay Almaza

Thank you so much for this, got my printer working again.

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