Issue after BSP 28 -> 31 Upgrade

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R Robert Kloentrup 3 years 4 months ago
2 3 0

I updated some SB1s at a customer location via MSP yesterday. The update completed and they were working fine but when I powered them down and back up they are unusable with odd screens showing and no way to get to settings, the applications or any other useful screen. The attached pictures show what the screen looks like after the power cycle - PostUgrade1 is the fist screen, hitting the back button will return you to the Home screen but hitting any button on that screen (Applications, Settings, Badge, Notifications) will only take you to the screen shown in PostUpgrade2. Any suggestions on what caused this or how I might be able to recover them other than putting a developer back on them? They have others that need to be upgraded but I can't until I figure out what caused this. Thanks.

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3 Replies

R Robert Kloentrup

Re-visiting this issue for another customer and it appears that the "FullSampleUserDrive.apf" package that's provided in Toolkit 1.2 still has at least some of the files from the old toolkit and "breaks" and SB1 running BSP31 that you load them too. I wanted to re-deploy some units from another customer for demo so I wiped the user drives using MSP, updated the OS to BSP 31 and then deployed a "new" bundle for the sample user drive from toolkit 1.2 and it does not work. Support should remove that sample user drive package from the Toolkit 1.2 bundle.


SB1 OS 31 has a new version of toolkit (toolbox) v 1.2You will still have reference to old toolbox content in your device's user drive.
Kindly remvoe it and reboot the device, alternatively refer new shell files from toolbox  1.2 compatible to OS31 to see OS31 working with your apps.
Hope it helps

C Christopher Sather

See my topic below "SB1 Simple User Drive Stuck on Screen".  My guess is the files on your user drive are from the older SB1 SDK kit and I found those files are not compatible with BSP 2.31.

You need to install a developer back housing (lots of them in demo depot, KT-SB1X-DEVLP-01R and copy the user drive files from the V1.2 SB1 SDK/Toolkit

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