What is the possibility to avoid Low Memory issue in SB1

R Ratish Nair 3 years 5 months ago
1 1 0


Can you please help me with a solution to avoid low memory issue in SB1.

I have developed an application using HTML,JAVASCRIPT AND JQUERY and the file resides locally in the device.
The alert comes after some time, when the application is opened and not when the application is started.
I have a timer which checks certain informations in the DB, using web service in every 5 sec.

Your valuable suggestion will be highly appreciated.

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1 Replies

M Myk Lougee

I'm in the same boat with you.  We get about two hours of use before the low memory kicks in.  Our application will store data when there is no network connectivity, during this time of no network we continuously look for a network connection.  The application will run fine during network connectivity, it just when there is none when the issues starts to show.

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