DPX V1.1.1

// Expert user has replied.
L Lawrence Ng 3 years 10 months ago
3 2 0

We have released a new version of DPX (V1.1.1, note the numbering system change) for those that are interested in trying out the latest and greatest. Downloads can be found on the Extranet (https://compass.motorolasolutions.com/cgi/go/dpxalpha), as always. If you already have DPX on your device, you only need to update your device using the UpdatePackage zip file; otherwise, you will need to use both zip file. The FullPackageUpdate may wipe your user data, so proceed with caution; however, if you already have DPX on your device, the UpdatePackage will leave user data intact. If you run into any issues using this version, please leave a post on our Launchpad site and we will get back to you.

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2 Replies

S Sebastien Laporte

Hi Lawrence
do you have a release note?

L Lawrence Ng

Hi Sabastien,

The following are the major new features and bug fixes in Version 1.1.1:

Major New Features
Updated launcher icon
Wireframe tracking - now your mixed content form's border will be tracked on the screen with a wireframe as it is detected
Capture sensitivity - tweak the sensitivity of the automatic capture algorithm to make it easier/harder to automatically capture form
LED Feedback (MC67 users) - LED will light up red to indicate DPX window is open

Bug Fixes
Fix zoom SeekBar alignment issue
Fix for Toast messages appearing when SD Card is not mounted
Fixed bug where item alert status on Results page was reset by clicking on the item, as opposed to clicking "OK"
Many more bug fixes

Please let me know if you need any more specific information or if you have any questions about the changes.

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