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Collaboration at AT&T Developer Summit 2017

The Zebra team had a very busy time at the AT&T Developer Summit 2017 in Las Vegas, January 3-4. And I’m not just talking about listening to keynote speaker Joseph Gordon Levitt or hearing BLINK-182 play.   Being a B2B company, Zebra isn’t…

Browser Print Update!

Printing Jive-Migrated
Zebra has again expanded and enhanced our Developer Tools with an enhanced release of our Browser Print Developer Tool.      New features for this release: Now supports MAC OSX! Supports Safari Browser Supports Networked printers…

DEV { TALK }  Feb. 22 at 10:00 am CST - Best Enterprise Features in Android M & N

Android Marshmallow and Nougat represent a concerted effort from Google to cater for the Enterprise with greater security and the ability to manage ruggedized devices such as those offered by Zebra.  Understandably Marshmallow & Nougat also…

Learn about Android Security at droidcon Italy 2017

Zebra will be back at Droidcon Italy, 6-7 April 2017 in Turin, as a Silver Sponsor. Come hear Zebra Developer Evangelist, Pietro Maggi, talk about how to achieve Enterprise-class security with Android or visit us at our booth.     Pietro's…

What’s New for Android ‘M’ and the impact on Zebra developers

EMDK Android Jive-Migrated
This document details the developer impact of moving to Zebra devices running Android Marshmallow (API level 23).   Audience for this document Zebra’s new TC51 and TC75x devices ship with Android Marshmallow installed.  Any developer targeting…

SEVT-RFID Meeting Notes 2017-01-11

RFID Jive-Migrated
Notes Discussion:  If we want to have SEVT become more solution-focused,    we have to discuss: What's a SOLUTION in RFID   -  we need, Hardware, Solution, req partners in most cases, -   requires "business…

Getting SAP ITSmobile bgsound support on Enterprise Browser

Misc Jive-Migrated
By Sabir Valappil Thattath   The ITSmobile system from SAP plays various sound files to notify a user whether a server transaction was a failure or success. This is implemented by presenting the HTML tag to the browser. Though the element was…

Zebra Featured in 'Powering the World' Video

Android Jive-Migrated
Zebra devices played a prominent role in a video made recently by Google to promote Android as the dominant platform for devices and software for the workplace. It blends the stories of a manufacturer and shipping department, its grocer customer, and a…

rAgent Inventory by Supply Insight

Misc Jive-Migrated
About Supply Insight™, Inc Since its founding in 2004, Supply Insight has been a leader in Auto-ID software.   Our flagship middleware product, rPlatform™ was first certified as ALE and RP compliant by EPCglobal in 2006, and MandatePLUS™ was…

DEV {TALK}  Jan. 25th @ 10 AM CST -  App Opportunities in Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail, Transportation & Logistics

Start the new year with pockets of great information! Learn the newest trends and growth areas for software in Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail, Transportation & Logistics verticals.   Thank you to all who attended. Please find a link to the…


Hit pause on all of the ubiquitous holiday cheer and ignore the cold—for just a moment—and make a mental note to mark May 9-11 on next year’s calendar.  Because that’s when anyone focused on building or deploying enterprise software will want to…

SEVT-RFID Meeting Notes 2016-12-14

Misc Jive-Migrated
Main Agenda Topic - Eric to Discuss questions on the great new Competitive Advantage Deck Questions about Antenna Coverage Pattern (or Lobe shape) and Read Range Fixed: diff antennas  power spec Information on Antenna Where find info ..…

Tau Technologies Opens a RhoMobile Forum

Misc Jive-Migrated
Tau Technologies has been supporting RhoMobile since before it was open sourced. The newest updates to the tool have been provided by them.  We are pleased to announce they have recently opened up a developer forum.  This is a place to ask…

Enterprise Browser 1.5 is Empowered with Disk Caching

EnterpriseBrowser Jive-Migrated
By Sabir Valappil Thattath   Since the release of Enterprise Browser 1.5, I have been eager to write something about our cool new feature – Disk Caching. We have introduced disk caching functionality for webkit engines running on Windows Mobile/CE…

The Power of DOM Injection (example with NativeTabBar)

EnterpriseBrowser Jive-Migrated
By Sabir Valappil Thattath   In this discussion I would like to bring your attention to the DOM injection module in Enterprise Browser. This feature was introduced in Enterprise Browser (EB) version 1.4 and is supported on both Android and Windows…